The Human cards

ConsequencesCurseCurseEthereal. Unplayable. When this is drawn, shuffle a Doubt, Regret and Shame into your draw pile.
PovertyCurseCurseEthereal. Unplayable. When you draw this, lose 3 Health.
TiredCurseCurseEthereal. When drawn, Exhaust a random card in your hand.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Pacifist: Gain 5 (8) thehuman:Peaceful instead.
SlapBasicAttack1Deal 6 damage.(Apply 1 thehuman:Injured.)
Backhand SlapCommonAttack1(Retain.)Deal 6 (9) damage and apply 2 thehuman:Injured to an enemy. If this card is discarded, deal 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies.
BackpackCommonSkill1(Retain.)thehuman:Uncover 2 cards.
Berreta 92CommonAttack1Retain. thehuman:Shoot ( 11 (14) x 1, 10 (12) % ) an enemy. Mastery 7. thehuman:Inventory.
Cautious BlowCommonAttack1Deal 4 (7) damage to an enemy. Gain 4 (7) Block. Technique: Gain 5 Block.
ConfusedCommonSkill0Discard 2 cards. Set the cost of a random card in your hand to 0 this turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
DisposalCommonSkill1 (0)Discard any amount of cards. For each card discarded this way, find 1 thehuman:Junk.
Dumpster DivingCommonSkill1Find 2 (3) thehuman:Junk. thehuman:Uncover a card.
FocusedCommonPower2 (1)At the start of your turn, draw a card and gain 3 Block. Gain 5 thehuman:Peaceful.
Freshly Brewed CoffeeCommonSkill1Gain 1 (Regen and) Dexterity. Restore 1 Health. Lifestyle: Draw a card next turn.
Front KickCommonAttack1Deal 2 (3) damage and apply 1 Weak to an enemy. Gain 2 (3) Block. Draw a card. Technique: Gain 1 energy.
Furious SlapCommonAttack1Gain 1 Strength. Deal 3 (6) damage and apply 1 thehuman:Injured to an enemy. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Heel KickCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage twice. Technique: Deal 6 (9) damage to a random enemy twice.
IgnoreCommonSkill2Gain 10 (16) Block. Pacifist: Gain 12 thehuman:Peaceful. Lifestyle: Gain 1 thehuman:Peaceful.
Impulse PurchaseCommonAttack2Deal 10 (14) damage. Find 2 (3) thehuman:Junk.
In The ParkCommonSkill2Gain 2 (3) thehuman:Healthiness and Regen. Draw a card. Lifestyle: Find 1 thehuman:Junk.
JabCommonAttack0Deal 2 (4) damage. Draw a card. Technique: Deal 2 (4) additional damage. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Keeping FitCommonPower2 (1)Gain 2 (3) thehuman:Healthiness and 4 thehuman:Peaceful. Draw a card.
Kung Fu!CommonAttack1Deal 5 (8) damage to ALL enemies. Gain 1 thehuman:Healthiness. Technique: Deal 5 (8) damage to ALL enemies.
Midlife CrisisCommonSkill2(Retain.)Apply 2 Weak, Frail and Vulnerable to an enemy. Pacifist: Apply 99 Weak, Frail and Vulnerable instead.
Petty TheftCommonSkill0Find 1 thehuman:Junk. Gain 10 (16) Gold. Exhaust.
PreparationCommonAttack2Deal 4 (6) damage. Next turn, gain 3 (6) Block and draw 2 cards. Lifestyle: Gain 1 Regen.
Prepare HandCommonSkill1 (0)Draw 3 (4) cards with "Slap" in their name.
Quick DrawCommonSkill0Draw a thehuman:Weapon. Exhaust (thehuman:Shoot (!D! x !M!, !theHuman:SecondMagic! %) a random enemy).
RefreshCommonSkill0(Retain.)Draw a card. If this card is discarded, draw 3 (4) cards and restore 3 (4) Health.
SalvageCommonSkill1Shuffle your hand back into your draw pile. For each card shuffled this way, return a random card from your discard pile to your hand.
ScuffleCommonAttack1Deal 1 (2) damage to a random enemy 3 times. Deal damage an additional time for each thehuman:Healthiness you have over 8. Discard a random card.
TeatimeCommonSkill1Gain 1 (2) thehuman:Healthiness. Draw 2 cards.
AgeingUncommonSkill2 (1)Innate. Apply 1 Ageing to all enemies. Pacifist: Gain 10 Block. Exhaust.
AggressivenessUncommonPower2 (1)(Innate.)At the start of your turn, gain 1 Strength and discard 1 card.
AngstUncommonSkill0(Retain.)Discard any number of cards from your hand. For each card discarded, gain 1 Temporary Strength.
ArcadeUncommonAttack2 (1)For each energy you have, deal 3 (4) damage to a random enemy and thehuman:Uncover a card.
ArsenalUncommonPower2 (1)(Innate.)At the start of your turn, add a random thehuman:Weapon to your hand. It Purges when used and at the end of your turn.
Back PainUncommonSkill2Apply 1 Ageing and 2 thehuman:Injured to ALL enemies. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
CarUncommonPower3 (2)(Retain.)Gain 10 (15) Block. At the start of your turn, draw a card and gain 1 energy.
Concealed CarryUncommonSkill1(Retain.)Add a Pocket Pistol to your hand.
DietingUncommonPower2(Innate.)Gain 4 (5) thehuman:Healthiness.
DiscourageUncommonSkill2(Retain.)Apply 3 Weak to an enemy. Pacifist: Also remove all its buffs.
Do It YourselfUncommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage to an enemy. If you have thehuman:Junk in your hand, gain 1 energy and draw 1 card.
Double TapUncommonSkill1(Retain.)The next time you thehuman:Shoot an enemy, thehuman:Shoot them again with the same thehuman:Weapon (2 times).
Fit As A FiddleUncommonSkill2(Retain.)If you have more than 18 (15) thehuman:Healthiness, take another turn after this one. Draw a card. Exhaustive 2.
Follow-Up SlapUncommonAttack2 (1)Deal 6 (8) damage to an enemy twice. Your Slaps deal 3 more damage this combat.
Glock 17UncommonAttack1Retain. thehuman:Shoot ( 10 (13) x 1, 15 (17) % ) an enemy. Mastery 8. thehuman:Inventory.
Grocery ShoppingUncommonSkill2Draw 1 Attack, Skill and Power. Lifestyle: Draw a card (Scry !M!).
HobbyistUncommonSkill1Draw 2 cards. If your hand has no duplicates, draw triple this amount instead (and gain 1 energy).
Lay Down ArmsUncommonSkill0Remove all Attacks and this card from your deck permanently. Draw a card. Pacifist: Draw 5 cards instead. Purge.
Legal ActionUncommonSkill2Deal 25 (35) damage. Gain 25 (35) Block. Shuffle a Poverty into your draw pile.
Morning WalkUncommonSkill2 (1)(Retain.)Gain 2 thehuman:Healthiness. Find 2 thehuman:Junk.
NapUncommonSkill3 (2)Put an enemy to sleep for 2 turns. Pacifist: Restore 5 Health. Exhaust.
Nine To FiveUncommonAttack2(Retain.)Deal 5 (7) damage and apply 5 Poison and 2 Weak to ALL enemies. Add a Tired to your draw pile. Lifestyle: Gain 1 Thorns.
PartyUncommonSkillUnplayable. Whenever you discard this, gain 1 (2) energy and draw 1 card.
PhysiotherapyUncommonSkill2 (1)Exhaust 5 cards. Gain 30 (40) Block. Gain 2 thehuman:Healthiness.
RecycleUncommonSkill1Shuffle 5 (7) random thehuman:Junk into your draw pile. Shuffle your hand back into your draw pile. Then, draw that many cards.
Renewable ContractUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, choose 1 card from the discard pile and return it to your hand.
Self DefenseUncommonSkill2 (1)(Retain.)Add 1 Revolver, 1 Pepper Spray, 1 Kung Fu! and 1 Defend to your hand. Exhaust.
SpeedloaderUncommonSkill0(Retain.)While this is in your hand, whenever you thehuman:Shoot a thehuman:Weapon, thehuman:Shoot (4 x 2, 10%) a random enemy. Exhaust ALL Empty Cartridges in your draw pile.
Spring CleaningUncommonAttack2Exhaust your discard pile. For each card Exhausted this way, deal 9 (11) damage to all enemies. Lifestyle: Deal 11 damage to a random enemy.
SurvivalistUncommonAttack2Deal 5 (8) damage to ALL enemies and gain 5 (8) Block. Repeat this effect for each thehuman:Junk in your hand.
TinkerUncommonSkill0Find 3 (4) thehuman:Junk.
Trash To TreasureUncommonSkill1 (0)Exhaust all thehuman:Junk in your hand. For each thehuman:Junk Exhausted this way, thehuman:Uncover a card.
Turbo SlapUncommonAttack0Ethereal. When drawn, deal 4 damage to a random enemy. Deal 6 (9) thehuman:Unblockable damage to an enemy. Draw a card. Exhaust.
UppercutUncommonAttack1When you draw this, deal 6 (9) damage to a random enemy. Deal 6 (9) damage. Technique: Gain 1 Strength.
AK-47RareAttack2Retain. thehuman:Shoot ( 6 (7) x 4, 11 (12) % ) an enemy. Mastery 12. thehuman:Inventory.
AWPRareAttack2Retain. thehuman:Shoot ( 40 (44) x 1, 68 (71) % ) an enemy. Next turn, deal 10 damage to the same enemy. Mastery 10. thehuman:Inventory.
Birthday CakeRareSkill2(Retain.)Add 2 Birthday Presents to your hand.
Community ServiceRarePower3 (2)(Innate.)Whenever you play an Attack, find 1 thehuman:Junk.
Crescent KickRareAttack2For each Attack played this combat, deal 8 (12) damage to an enemy. Technique: Deal this damage to ALL enemies instead. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Desert EagleRareAttack1Retain. thehuman:Shoot ( 12 (16) x 1, 33 (37) % ) an enemy. Mastery 9. thehuman:Inventory.
DetoxificationRareSkill1 (0)Gain 3 (4) Block. Gain 1 thehuman:Healthiness. Exhaust ALL Status and Curse cards in your hand, draw pile and discard pile.
Dual WieldingRarePower2(Innate.)Whenever you thehuman:Shoot a thehuman:Weapon, thehuman:Shoot another random thehuman:Weapon in your draw pile.
ExerciseRareSkill2 (1)Exhaust any number of cards. For each card Exhausted this way, gain 1 energy. Pacifist: Restore 10 Health.
Freedom Of MindRarePower3 (2)(Innate.)At the start of your turn, Fetch 1.
FumingRarePower3(Retain. Draw a card with "Slap" in its name.)Whenever you play a card with "Slap" in its name, play it again with random targets (and draw a card).
Garbage CollectorRarePower3(Innate.)Whenever you play a thehuman:Junk card, thehuman:Uncover a card.
HappinessRarePower3Gain 5 (7) thehuman:Healthiness and Regen.
Living It UpRareSkill1Retain. thehuman:Uncover 3 (4) cards. Lifestyle: Uncover a card. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Man Of TomorrowRareSkill5 (4)Retain. Fetch 1 (2) card(s) from your draw pile. Reduce the cost of ALL cards to 0 this turn. Exhaust.
On The StreetsRareSkill2 (1)When drawn, deal 3 (5) damage to a random enemy. Add a thehuman:Weapon and 1 (2) thehuman:Junk to your hand. thehuman:Uncover a card.
PrankRareAttack2Deal 10 (15) damage and Stun an enemy. Shuffle a Consequences into your draw pile.
ReadingRarePower2(Innate.)Gain 2 (3) thehuman:Healthiness. Whenever you play a card that costs 2 or more, add a Deep Thought (*Big Brain) to your hand.
RenovationRareSkill1(Retain. Innate.)Discard your hand. Draw 10 cards. Discard your hand. Draw 5 cards.
RisktakerRarePower3 (2)(Innate.)At the start of your turn, thehuman:Uncover a card.
SanitationRareSkill3 (2)Replay all cards that you have Exhausted this combat. Purge.
Silver GenerationRarePower3 (2)At the start of every third turn you take, apply 1 Ageing to ALL enemies.
SlaptacularRareAttack3Deal 8 (10) damage. Apply 2 thehuman:Injured to ALL enemies. Replay all Slaps played this combat. Exhaust.
StoicismRarePower2Gain 10 (14) Block. Whenever you discard a card, gain 1 thehuman:Peaceful (and thehuman:Healthiness).
Sucker PunchRareAttack2When drawn, deal 8 (10) damage to a random enemy. Add 2 Slaps to your hand that cost 0, but Purge when used and at the end of your turn. Technique: Deal 10 (15) damage to a random enemy.
SuperslapRareAttack3 (2)Play 5 Slaps with random targets.
The Trash MonsterRarePower3(Innate.)At the start of your turn, find 1 thehuman:Junk. Whenever you play 3 (2) thehuman:Junk, deal 5 damage to a random enemy, then gain 1 Strength and Dexterity.

The Human relics

Thumbs UpStarterHuman_colorAt the start of each combat, gain 5Healthiness and 5Block.There are 4 levels of healthiness: Healthy ( 0 - 10 ), Very Healthy ( 11 - 18 ) and Extremely Healthy ( > 18 ).Card Rewards have 4 choices instead of 3.Hide the pain, Harold!
Emerald EyepieceCommonHuman_colorWhenever you spend Gold, if you have more than 200Gold, gain 20Gold. Otherwise, gain 30Gold.Cashback!
EnvironmentalistUncommonHuman_colorAt the start of your turn, add a random Junk to your hand."Cleanup Crew"
Secret TrainingUncommonHuman_colorUsable once per combat.Draw 3 cards and add a StabbyStabby to your hand.The best way to avoid detection is a ninja?
Fire ArmsRareHuman_colorWhenever you Shoot a Weapon, also apply 1Burning to the target.A revolutionary step backward in peacemaking efforts.

The Human keywords

thehuman:healthinessKeep your healthiness high! The higher your healthiness, the more likely that positive effects will be applied, and vice versa.
thehuman:injuredAt the start of each turn, lose 1 to 4 health randomly for each stack of this applied.
thehuman:inventoryReturn this card to your hand whenever it is played.This card retains if it was not used this turn.The cost of this card cannot be reduced below 1.
thehuman:junkJunk consists of cheap and useful cards.
thehuman:peacefulWhen attacked, negate damage equal to the amount of Peaceful you have.
thehuman:shootShooting is a form of damage applied by certain ranged weapons. The damage per shot (A) is multiplied by the number of shots (B) with a Critical chance (C) and is displayed in (A x B, C) form.After each shot, shuffle an Empty Cartridge into your draw pile.
thehuman:unblockableDamage of this type cannot be Blocked.
thehuman:uncoverObtain ANY Red,Green,Blue,Purple or Colorless card. It costs 0 but Purges when used and at the end of your turn.
thehuman:weaponWeapons are valuable cards with attack-oriented effects.

The Human creatures

the HumanPlayer70